Festeggiando con Putin
Il problema ora è: se è vero che i Russi hanno tentato di influenzare le elezioni americane hackerando l'email di un certo Podesta che usava come password la parola "password" e questo va considerato un atto di guerra, cosa vorrebbe fare Obama, dopo aver tollerato negli scorsi anni ben più gravi violazioni della cybersecurity americana da parte di cinesi (hackerati più di 20 milioni di files con i dati degli impiegati nel settore pubblico) e Nord Corea, a 13 giorni dalla fine del suo mandato? Lanciare un missile con testata nucleare sul Cremlino?
A proposito anch'io ho celebrato la vittoria di Donald Trump. Che altro aspettarsi da uno che si chiama Perestroika?
English translation
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The problem now is: if it is true that the Russians have tried to influence the American elections hacking the emails of a certain Podesta who was using as a password the word "password" and this should be considered as an act of war, what would Obama be willing to do after tolerating in the last years far more serious violations of the American cybersecurity by Chinese (hacked more than 20 million files with data of employees in the public sector) and North Korea, 13 days before the end of his mandate? Launch a nuke on the Kremlin?
By the way, I also celebrated the victory of Donald Trump. What else to expect from someone called Perestroika?
A proposito anch'io ho celebrato la vittoria di Donald Trump. Che altro aspettarsi da uno che si chiama Perestroika?
English translation
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Celebrating with Putin
The problem now is: if it is true that the Russians have tried to influence the American elections hacking the emails of a certain Podesta who was using as a password the word "password" and this should be considered as an act of war, what would Obama be willing to do after tolerating in the last years far more serious violations of the American cybersecurity by Chinese (hacked more than 20 million files with data of employees in the public sector) and North Korea, 13 days before the end of his mandate? Launch a nuke on the Kremlin?
By the way, I also celebrated the victory of Donald Trump. What else to expect from someone called Perestroika?
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